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  • Charlotte Nichole

All-year-round plants that are perfect for your patio pots

Whilst potting and planting in spring is a true sign of better weather, we would all avoid yearly planting if we could. Truth be told, you can if you carefully plan your garden around perennial blooms. Summer annuals will usually last one summer, with the need to be replaced yearly, making them rather high maintenance and expensive.

Perennial plants however bloom year in year out, requiring less maintenance. Whilst initially more expensive than bedding plants, they will grow into substantial plants happy in pots and containers.

Perennials can be less showy than summer bedding plants, so opting for perennials with long last flowers, interesting foliage or attractive texture will help.

Here's a selection you should plant for your patio


Lavender is a must for any patio, giving a gorgeous aroma and often growing into a well-established bush. Plus it's evergreen, giving all year-round interest. It does like to grow in full sun and require little maintenance as are full-hardy, meaning they will not require protection for winter.


Penstemons produce beautiful foxglove-like flowers for months on end, in shades of purple, pink and red. They are also semi-evergreen so make a gorgeous accompaniment to a lavender pot. No need to protect from the frost as these are also semi-hardy.


There are many varieties of hosta to choose from, all grown mostly for their bold foliage, which ranges from deep to acid green. They are ideal for a shady spot and combine well with other more showy plants, perfect for a trio of patio pots!

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