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  • Charlotte Nichole

My Unexpected Year Off - A lil life update

My blog just went bang - literally. And before I knew it, my site was quiet, but my life went mad.

After a year offline ( or at least my website anyway ), I am back up and running and life is a little different. So, before I indulge in all my other posts, here is my little update on the last 12 months, and perhaps what to expect.

Here's a little context.

One thing I never really thought about when managing my own site was sorting it all out when it went tits up, literally.

I have had endless problems with my website previously. It was always a little nightmare to get it running quickly and smoothly. But in March '21, my site was blank. It had been hacked and a tonne of bugs installed into the bones of my site. And by restoring back to a very old version of my site, I lost everything! Literally everything. Any 'help' I did have, wanted to charge the earth to fix it.

There were some tears, but ultimately, I decided to jack it in, with the prospect of revisiting my blog once again when it came to renewing my hosting.

And just then, life went completely mad.

Quite literally. Because we found out we were expecting our first baby in Feb'22. With the joy and tears of happiness, came endless midwife appointments, scans and of course, nesting. We were determined to finish our garden and get our home in tip-top condition. Whilst managing pregnancy symptoms and trying not to overdo it of course.


Our bouncing baby girl was born on 22nd February 2022 at 2:21pm. And we were back sitting on the sofa indulging in dominoes by 8pm! And the last 8 weeks have been a whirlwind of grappling with a newborn, parenthood and learning to function on a mere few hours of sleep.

Here and Now

In the space of 12 months, I'm back on my slice of the internet, with a few new life additions and a new perspective. Yes, motherhood will become a whole new aspect for Charlotte - Nichole, but not the sole theme. I guess it will be a balancing act, just like life.

All in all, I am so excited to be back online. To be chatting through words and voicing my little life adventures, as a complete family and our gorgeous little girl!

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